We are dedicated to creating an inclusive, accessible and enjoyable event site and commit to a number of initiatives to deliver on promise. Read about our efforts by downloading our annual report below.
我們致力創造包容、共融及歡愉的活動場所,並將會推出一系列活動。如欲了解更多,請下載我們的年度報告表 (於2024年底發佈)
Proudly headquartered here in Hong Kong, Serious Staging has accumulated more than 25 years’ experience in the live entertainment industry locally and across the region. We have delivered some of the largest events in Hong Kong’s history, including the Handover Ceremony, and been the first users of a number of sites across Hong Kong.
In 2023 Serious Staging was appointed by the HKSAR Government as the operating and management company of the Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space.
With our deep event production and site use insights, we look forward to helping events on the Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space make the best use of this unique new venue to create memorable visitor experiences.
Contact us for more information or assistance on your upcoming event.
Serious Staging 扎根香港並在娛樂表演界別擁有25年多經驗,業務涵蓋本地及東南亞地區。曾參與製作多個大型活動,包括香港回歸慶典及多次為不同品牌選址非典型活動場所作首次使用,製作驚喜。
Serious Staging 獲香港政府委任管理及營運灣仔海濱活動空間。
我們將會以多年製作的經驗及對場地空間設計運用的對策, 與客戶攜手打造這獨特新地標,令參與人士有一個難忘的體驗。請即與我們聯絡, 了解更多。
We welcome opportunities to work with corporate sponsors to develop and deliver public events of all sizes and scales on the Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space. Contact us to discuss how we can help enhance your corporate brand through live entertainment.
我們歡迎任何與企業贊助商的合作機 會,共同在灣仔海濱活動空間製作及舉辦不同規模、不同類型的活動項目。請聯絡我們協商如何善用娛樂製作提升閣下的企業品牌。